The Go-To-Market Blog
Revenue Operations

12 things to do in Las Vegas when you're not at enterprise world

12 Things to do in Las Vegas When You're Not at Enterprise World
What do blackjack, Mike Myers and ECM all have in common? The attendees of the OpenText Enterprise World will be able to experience the three of them first hand next week! Starting 8th November, Vegas will not only be the destination for ...

ECM marketers, don't give up!

ECM Marketers, Don't Give Up!
Marketing of ECM and other enterprise software is not the most popular topic among journalists. If it was, there would be more articles that help explain "The Five W's" - who, what, when, where, and how. To help others in the field improve ...

TOP ECM pros to follow on twitter - Part 2

TOP ECM Pros To Follow On Twitter - Part 2
Since we covered the players for the big companies in our previous blog post on ECM pros to follow on Twitter and LinkedIn, we would like to introduce you to a different list of influencers. People who play the ECM game professionally ...

5 ways your organisation can benefit from a virtual demand centre 

5 Ways Your Organisation Can Benefit From a Virtual Demand Centre 
The effective balancing of marketing resources within middle sized and enterprise organisations is a daunting task. According to recent research, on average organisations restructure their marketing resources every 2.5 years with often ...

ROI: why you will never regret purchasing marketing automation

ROI: Why You Will Never Regret Purchasing Marketing Automation
There's been a lot of buzzing about marketing automation platforms and the solutions they offer for businesses. For some reason, all that buzz reminds me of the euphoria that typically surrounds the release of a new iPhone. Everybody knows ...

Sales enablement 2.0: go mobile or die

Sales Enablement 2.0: Go Mobile or Die
Sales have come a long way since the times of Mad Men – a good sales representative today should be able to successfully collaborate and utilise the content collateral produced by the marketing department. Why? Because in a post-demand ...

Data-Driven strategy: 3 ways to put big data to work for you

Data-Driven Strategy: 3 Ways to Put Big Data to Work For You
Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt famously said that people created 5 exabytes of information between the dawn of humans and 2003, and that we now create that much information every two days. Marissa Mayer, then-VP of Google and current CEO ...