The Go-To-Market Blog
Revenue Operations

5 ways your organisation can benefit from a virtual demand centre 

5 Ways Your Organisation Can Benefit From a Virtual Demand Centre 
The effective balancing of marketing resources within middle sized and enterprise organisations is a daunting task. According to recent research, on average organisations restructure their marketing resources every 2.5 years with often ...

Sales enablement 2.0: go mobile or die

Sales Enablement 2.0: Go Mobile or Die
Sales have come a long way since the times of Mad Men – a good sales representative today should be able to successfully collaborate and utilise the content collateral produced by the marketing department. Why? Because in a post-demand ...

How sales intelligence can benefit marketers

How Sales Intelligence Can Benefit Marketers
When it comes to Intelligence, businesses are usually focused on collecting, analysing and presenting best practices within Marketing, aiming to support and improve their sales processes. Rarely, however, do companies consider turning the ...

A sales representative and a marketer walk into a bar - who pays for drinks?

A Sales Representative And A Marketer Walk Into A Bar - Who Pays For Drinks?
Sales and marketing alignment has been a challenge for organizations since...well, basically since businesses have had sales and marketing departments. There's been a lot of buzz about sales enablement – what marketers should do to enable ...