The Go-To-Market Blog
Revenue Operations

Your personal marketing concierge

Your Personal Marketing Concierge
You have just arrived in a new city without a plan or idea of what to do. Who you gonna call? No, not Ghostbusters, but the concierge at your hotel of course. You trust your time and experience to the hands of a person who doesn’t know ...

Sales enablement 2.0: go mobile or die

Sales Enablement 2.0: Go Mobile or Die
Sales have come a long way since the times of Mad Men – a good sales representative today should be able to successfully collaborate and utilise the content collateral produced by the marketing department. Why? Because in a post-demand ...

How sales intelligence can benefit marketers

How Sales Intelligence Can Benefit Marketers
When it comes to Intelligence, businesses are usually focused on collecting, analysing and presenting best practices within Marketing, aiming to support and improve their sales processes. Rarely, however, do companies consider turning the ...

Sales enablement predictions for 2014

Sales Enablement Predictions For 2014
The beginning of a new year is usually the time when we evaluate the past, list some goals/resolutions for the future and outline some strategies for achieving them. In the highly competitive world of business, companies follow the same ...

The evolution of sales representatives and how technology will reshape their future

The Evolution Of Sales Representatives And How Technology Will Reshape Their Future
The end of the year is usually the time when businesses work on plans to optimise their processes and strategies in order to acquire more customers for the following year. Adjustments and predictions for the future, however, inevitably ...