The Go-To-Market Blog
Revenue Operations

Leads vs prospects vs opportunity - what’s the difference?

Leads vs Prospects vs Opportunity - What’s the Difference?
As a digital marketing consultancy, we often get asked what the difference is between leads, prospects (MQLs and SQLs) and opportunities and how to upgrade one to another. Many clients who are new to marketing automation, inbound marketing ...

Email cleansing best practices

Email Cleansing Best Practices
According to ReturnPath, on average around 20-30% of your email list will churn each year. That means that if you do nothing to maintain or clean your email list, by the end of the 12 month period, your list of valid emails and interested ...

5 essential campaigns for your marketing automation platform

5 Essential campaigns for your marketing automation platform
Marketing automation. Love it, hate it, it’s here to stay. With over 50% of companies using marketing automation, adopting the technology is no longer an advanced technical luxury, but an expected aspect of digital marketing for both your ...

Automation migration: The ultimate guide (Part 2)

Automation Migration: The Ultimate Guide (Part 2)
In our previous blog post we went through the steps any company should go through before migrating to an entirely new marketing automation platform. In this blog post we will go through the things you need to check when implementing the ...

Automation migration: the ultimate guide (Part 1)

Automation Migration: The Ultimate Guide (Part 1)
There will be times that as your company grows or your objectives change, you will want to switch marketing automation platforms. Perhaps your current automation provider is lacking features that your company needs. Maybe another ...

All about progressive profiling

Unless you’re also the kind of person who enjoys speaking to telemarketers, chances are you hate filling out forms, responding to surveys or giving up more information about yourself than you feel is necessary—and who can blame you? Today, ...

Can I afford HubSpot marketing automation?

Can I Afford HubSpot Marketing Automation?
Marketing automation can be an interesting subject of discussion, and many times there are few things that people agree on. However, sometimes there is consensus - and one of these rare agreements happens to be on price point. Good ...

What are the alternatives to Pardot?

What Are the Alternatives to Pardot?
From its humble beginnings in 2006, Pardot has grown into a giant. Pardot has remained a distinct product even since being acquired by Salesforce in 2013, and it has become one of the premiere choices in B2B marketing automation ...