The Go-To-Market Blog

3 steps to a One-Liner that will catapult your corporate communication into the Champions League

Time for a quick pop quiz. To which films do these summaries (a.k.a. loglines) belong? "There are 3.7 trillion fish in the ocean. You are looking for one." "A nun comforts a condemned murderer on death row, feeling compassion for the ...

3 mistakes most companies make when it comes to storytelling

Storytelling is part of modern content marketing, yet most companies don't use this powerful tool appropriately. Mistake #1. Companies tell stories without tension Every hero who sets out on their hero's journey has to overcome a variety ...

5 Great Value Propositions and How To Create Your Own

A value proposition is everything. If you bury yours in buzzwords and meaningless slogans, your communications often come off as incongruent, alienating your customers as time goes by. On the other hand, learning to understand the power of ...

Introducing our new look

It’s important to reevaluate your marketing approach from time to time and evolve as a business. Over the years, the organisations that have done so have thrived through new offerings and clients, while those who have neglected this ...

What is a StoryBrand Brandscript?

Often, marketers are frustrated that their prospects simply don't understand their value through their messaging. No matter what they put out or how they present their product, they don't see the results they want, leading to a dwindling ...

How to make a brand guide

Today’s consumers want more than the products and services your company sells. They want an experience with a brand that aligns with their values, aspirations and identity. However, many companies struggle to clearly define their brand and ...