The Go-To-Market Blog

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Get a free copy of "Building a StoryBrand 2.0" and win a $6,000 StoryBrand consulting package for your business! When it comes to convincing people to buy, clarity is king. Software and services businesses often struggle to differentiate ...

My brand story in 15 minutes a day. Part 1 - The Hero [Authentic Marketing Podcast]

In this special series of build-your-own-story sprints, we're going to dive into one of the many brand storytelling frameworks and learn how you can create a story for your own business in just half a day. To make the story interesting for ...

My brand story in 15 minutes a day. Part 6 - Putting it all together [Authentic Marketing Podcast]

You've got all your story talking points captured, and now it's time to use them. There are some very quick wins that you can get out of this brand script that you can use straight away, and there are some more advanced things that you can ...

My brand story in 15 minutes a day. Part 4 - The Plan [Authentic Marketing Podcast]

Now it's time to talk about ourselves. We're not the hero, but the guide. The person who has been there and solved that problem before. In this third episode of our build-your-own brand story sprints, Simon Harvey and Daniel Kleber ...

My brand story in 15 minutes a day. Part 3 - The Guide [Authentic Marketing Podcast]

Now it's time to talk about ourselves. We're not the hero, but the guide. The person who has been there and solved that problem before. In this third episode of our build-your-own brand story sprints, Simon Harvey and Daniel Kleber ...

My brand story in 15 minutes a day. Part 5 - The Resolution [Authentic Marketing Podcast]

So now, we're coming up towards the end of the story, and what we need to do at this point in time is paint a picture of how their life could look once they've actually worked with us and, you know, also look at what's at stake if they ...

My brand story in 15 minutes a day. Part 2 - The Problem [Authentic Marketing Podcast]

To make the story interesting, focus on your hero's problem. Problems are where your story begins. When a customer has a problem, you have something you can solve. In this second episode of our build-your-own story sprints, Simon Harvey ...

Storytelling in blog posts - A simple guide to use

Blog posts can ignite the turbo for your content marketing, but they can also be very time consuming. However, to experience the power of blog posts, it's not enough to fire up ChatGPT and have them spit out a new, boring version of old ...