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Do's and Dont's When Developing B2B Buyer Personas

Do's and dont's when developing B2B buyer personas

Considering developing buyer personas to effectively market your business and bring in new clients? You should be. A buyer persona is an essential...
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How to Create a Great Value Proposition (Part 2)

How to create a great value proposition (Part 2)

The fundamental rule of economics is this: either you’re making money or you’re not. A value proposition is how you demonstrate that you will meet...
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How to Create a Great Value Proposition (Part 1)

How to create a great value proposition (Part 1)

The fundamental rule of economics is this: either you’re making money or you’re not. A value proposition is how you demonstrate that you will meet...
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Introducing Demodia’s Digital Marketing Glossary

Introducing demodia’s digital marketing glossary

CDNs, Geo-targeting, PPC, Alt Text and who even knows what a click-through rate actually refers to?
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The B2B Guide to Inbound Marketing

A guide to the strategies, processes and tools to help you solve your biggest marketing challenges and become leader at inbound marketing.

Download the white paper now
Multilingual B2B Marketing: Speaking the Language, Speaking the Culture

Multilingual B2B marketing: speaking the language, speaking the culture

Is your company riding the globalisation wave and thinking about expanding into Europe? The European market is an exciting playground, rich with...
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How to make a brand guide

Today’s consumers want more than the products and services your company sells. They want an experience with a brand that aligns with their values,...
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What is a StoryBrand Brandscript?

Often, marketers are frustrated that their prospects simply don’t understand their value through their messaging. No matter what they put out or how...
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Why buyer personas important and how do you make one

Trying to get more leads and customers is the goal of any business, but it’s a lot harder to accomplish this. With so many different types of...
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5 Great Value Propositions and How To Create Your Own

A value proposition is everything. If you bury yours in buzzwords and meaningless slogans, your communications often come off as incongruent,...
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How to create an effective sales funnel for your business

One of the biggest headaches for any marketing department in a company is converting ‘potential’ into customers. This is often down to not...
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