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How do I get more leads? The 5 secrets of all successful content

Written by Simon Harvey | Jul 13, 2021 8:00:00 AM

These 5 aspects will help turn your clicks into customers.

Customers are an ever-green commodity and these days they’re more valuable than ever. However, in digital marketing, every customer begins with that all-important first click. A marketer’s ability to gain that first click is what separates the successful from the frustrated. One of the best tools for digital marketers to gain clicks or leads are their landing pages. Should visitors engage with the page and the right conditions are met, the digital marketer will have a fresh lead, ready to be converted into a customer.

The catch, of course, is finding out what those conditions are exactly. Every marketer has had to consider what elements they need to gain more leads from their landing pages at some point. In our experience, there are generally five different aspects—or secrets, if you will—of landing pages that convert. Let’s take a look at each one in detail, below.

1 - Relevancy 

Every landing page has a function for you and your company, but you should always keep in mind that the people interacting with the page are your visitors. However, not all of your visitors will be an ideal fit for your company - which is where relevancy comes in.

From your copy and images all the way down to the content on offer, your landing page has to be specific to your ideal customer as much as possible. It should talk about the challenges, needs, hopes and desires of your ideal customer and offer a resource to help them satisfy them.

Here are a few pointers:

  • Resources on offer should answer a common question, or assist a common problem.

  • The copy on the page should describe a common question or problem specific to your customers.

  • Personalise the page with specific vocabulary and a tone that your ideal customer should find attractive.

  • Opt for images that either explain your concepts clearly or that your ideal customer can relate to.

  • Always relate your product or service to the problem or question throughout the page.

2 - Persuasive, brief copy

Landing pages are not blog posts or even sales pages. They’re a unique type of content that requires its own style, design and approach. One of the most important aspects of the landing page is the copy that your viewers will read.

Depending on your company, industry, business and branding, your copy will slightly change and adapt to your customers. However, the shorter you can get to the point and the clearer, more concise the copy is the more chances you have of convincing your viewers to convert.

As noted, each page will be different for different customers and companies, but there is a general structure that nearly every landing page takes when it comes to copy.

  • The first paragraph should describe a customer problem in a sympathetic manner. Relating to your audience on their level with their thoughts, opinions and needs is what is important for the first 2- 3 sentences of a landing page.

  • The second paragraph should introduce your offer and its benefits. You need to cover what you offer and why it matters. 

  • The third paragraph explains why your offer is unique and different to other companies. Bullet points work well for this stage of the copy.

  • The final line is effectively your call to action and encourages your viewers to perform the action you want.

3 - Social proof

Your website should include examples of satisfied customers to help lower the concern of your visitors and encourage them that they are making a good choice. Many of your prospects may worry that they may not receive your product or the benefits that it promises. 

Testimonials, quotes and favourable comparisons to your competitors help alleviate the anxiety involved with converting, becoming a customer or even giving out information. In short, the less anxiety involved, the greater chances for conversion you have.

Anxiety usually arises through one of the following concerns:

  • Quality
  • Reliability
  • Pricing 
  • Security 
  • Trustworthiness

Scan your content for where these concerns may arise and insert “counter-pieces” to alleviate anxiety. These pieces include:

  • Testimonials
  • Value comparisons
  • Guarantees
  • Facts and figures
  • Certifications

4 - Distraction-free design

A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. While this may be true for art, it’s doubly so for landing page design.

It’s true that your landing page should look visually attractive, but it should always be clear about the next step you want your visitors to take. This is an important balance to strike, but digital marketers should always err on the side of minimalistic design.

To make the page more attractive…

  • Use company colors for consistency
  • Use bold headings
  • Use colored buttons
  • Adjust size and font of text where appropriate

To make the page more focused...

  • Remove irrelevant images
  • Remove big sidebars or non-shrinking menus
  • Remove interactive elements that don’t drive users to conversion
  • Tone down headers and disclaimers where possible

The primary objective for landing page design is the website visitor should have their main focus on the action you want them to take without being distracted by large images, big headers or huge menus.

5 - Short, visible forms

Everyone has somewhere to go and someplace to be. No matter how pretty or engaging your landing pages are, you need to drive that interaction towards a close. The forms on your landing pages do that. They gain the information of your website visitors so that you can further nurture them to becoming a customer.

However, your forms could also be the primary reason your landing pages aren’t as effective as they should be. Your website forms should mimic the philosophy of your copy and design - it should only include the elements and details you need to convert your visitors.

Your forms should:

  • Only ask for the information you need
  • Always be visible on your landing page
  • Be the most attractive piece on your page
  • Be clear regarding what information you want
  • Be as personalised as possible

Start creating

And that’s it—that’s 5 secrets to getting more out of your landing pages.

However, the art of increasing conversion goes deeper than optimising your landing pages. Creating a solid digital marketing strategy that converts across your campaign, you need to constantly analyse, adjust and improve your approach. 

If you would like to learn more about how you can better increase your conversion, or if you just need a guide to getting the most out of your digital marketing, look no further than Demodia. We’ve helped hundreds of businesses get more customers, generate more revenue and boost their digital presence.

If you’re ready to take your digital marketing to the next level, contact us today for a free consultation, or subscribe to our blog for more tips and tricks.